Dinner with an Artist - NATETRILLO (FYREWRK)
Sometimes I wonder why we do TRND MUSIC. It's one of those questions every business owner will ask themselves from time to time. The constant uphill struggle of wondering “why are we doing this?”
It’s conversations with Artists like "FYREWRK” (Nate Trillo) that remind me of our why.
A little backstory on Nate Trillo first:
LaBella: "Nate, how did you get to where you are now as an EDM DJ?
Nate: “In High School, I used to just be, “The video guy”. I was well versed in video just because I loved it. I even took home several state awards. Shortly after the push of “Nate what do you want to do with your life? that always seems to come back to us naïve high schoolers.”
Nate realized he didn’t want to do video. Often times, doing something you love as a job may seem to take the joy away. So just as anyone would, Nate decided to move to Hip Hop and produce the biggest track of his hometown. Everyone knew who Nate Trillo was, whether you were an old man sitting on your front porch, or the middle schooler on the bus. Nate knew how to make a name for himself. But alas, the allure of hip-hop went away too.
As a young 20 something, Nate needed to do a little personal soul searching. At the time, even with all the success he’d had, he found himself lacking confidence, He simply just “didn’t feel like himself”. Thus, sparked the beginning of his journey.
Nate stumbled across an Instagram ad for a high fashion, hip-hop event, that happened roughly a year ago, December 2019 to be exact. That Event was TRND MUSIC’s first ELVTD. Premier bottle service at our home club, AMPERSAND. The lineup was fresh: Shaq Mack, Jordan Air Young, LUCID!, and TAKA$. Nate remembers going into that event knowing absolutely no one, except the friend he dragged along. Nate came in with the idea that he would make new connections. He decided he would step out of his comfort zone, and he would start to become the best version of himself. [As we all should.] That night Nate made some new friends, one of them being former TRND MUSIC Owner —AXYL.
AXYL, a female EDM phenom connected Nate to our next major event, Cyberspvce, lining him up as a DJ and helping kickstart his career. Nate has made many valuable connections in the community since that night, and it's so encouraging to hear that building a community-driven label is helping so many people better their lives through friendships, connections, music, and long-lasting opportunities.